Note, that the site is really easy to Slashdot, so if you get a message about bandwidth being exceeded, don't worry.
So, what's space-architect-y about my portfolio? Very little. It is largely a body of work showing what I did back when I was in 3rd- and 4th-year architecture. My 5th-year stuff, which is where the space-architecture comes in, has yet to be added. Quite frankly, the website is so easy to over-load, than I'm a little hesitat to add the files. Also, I don't have a index for the portfolio itself. You have to click on each image to get to the next one. This is not a problem for a small portfolio, like the one I have. However, adding the stuff I did for space architcture, would almost double its length.
That would call for having a bifurcation page, with one link sending you to my space architecture stuff, another link showing my terrestial architecture. [thinking out loud, as Larry likes to do and say] Why even have terrestial, non-hi-tech architecture? Well, I don't have to do space architecture to keep my interests. Any architectural solution/program requiring a hi-tech or experimental solution would be great. I want to push the boundaries of what architecture is...that sounds goofy...how about...I want to apply optimal solutions that respond both to innate human psycho/social needs. Or, to put it another way, both the micro and the macro scales, or the timeless and the changing...now I sound even more ambiguous. I will just quote what Olga Bannova, a Senior Research Assistant at SICSA, asked me a few months ago: "Do you want to spend the rest of your life doing ordinary architecture, or doing something different?"
So...getting back to what I should focus on for my website. I would like to show my sketches, AutoCAD work, as well as my 3D stuff. Uploading my animations is out of the question, unless I have a large server and a lot of bandwidth. When push comes to shove, and the shrinking file sizes begin to compromise quality, I will favor the space/hi-tech/experimental architecture.
More challenges! More fascinating problems to solve! Such is life as I like it.
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